Wednesday, April 27, 2011

110427 Class #3

1.In terms of shape and volume, compare solids, liquids and gases.
Liquid:not fixed
Gas:not fixed

gas:not fixed

2.Using the particle theory, explain why solids do not flow.

They(solid particles) don't have much energy, so they can't move freely, just vibrating at same place. So because they are just vibrating, they are packed tightly. 

3.The study of airflow (air moving around objects) is extremely important in both competitive sports and in commercial transportation.  Suggest several reasons for why this is the case.

For some of the competitive sports, 1 second makes their score really different. So to make a second less in their score, they have to go fast in some way, so airflow is really affecting their score, so it is extremely important. 

4.a)Compare the viscosity and flow rate of honey versus water.

hoeny=high viscosity=low flow rate
water=low viscosity=high flow rate

Monday, April 25, 2011

Class#2 Aerodynamic and Hydrodynamic Systems

Word Definition
Aerodynamic- air affects the movement of a solid things

*Japanese bullet trains wii be a perfect example of an aerodynamic object
  Hydrodynamic- something that affects the movement of water around an object

*Torpedos are shaped hydrodynamically to be able to move fast under water

Laminar Flow- when a flow of water is in a straight or close to being straight
example- a deep river without any obstacles underwater has a laminar flow

Turbulent Flow- a flow of water in an irregular way produced by rapids, eddies, or whirlpools
example- a steep river with many obstacles such as rocks has a turbulent flow
Laminar rivers flow smoothly when turbulent rivers flow in somewhat kind of an odd way
Drag- something that concerns with the speed of water(liquid) that resists agianst its flow
Streamlined- an objects is said to be steamlined when an object is made in a shape that helps reduce the resistence of water as much as possible
sharks move smoothly underwater especially that creates a laminar flow


How a type of technology is built to minimize air resistence??0.0

Type of technology built to minimize air resistence are parachutes. They are built in a circular way to minimize air resistence.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

110422 Class #1

Word Definitions

1) Fluid:Substances that flow (liquid & gas)

2) Particle Theory:a theory used to explain matter and heat transfer which suggests that all      mater is made up of tiny particles too small to be seen. These particles are constantly in motion because they have energy. The more energy they have the faster they move.


  • All matter is composed of particles.
  • Particles are in constant motion.
  • There are forces of attraction among particles. 
3) Flow Rate: the speed that a fluid moves in a given amount of time

4) Viscosity:the physical property of a liquid that limits its ability to flow
 ------>high viscosity = low flow rate
           low viscosity = high flow rate


Non newtonian fluid's viscosity is changeable based on given pressure.
ex)Oobleck, Flubber,Ketchup,Silly Putty, Chilled Caramel topping ...

We mixed water, potato starch and some color to make a non-newtonian fluid!!
It is like solid, but if we grab it, it changes like liquid!!
